Product Optimisations

The purpose of this document is to centralize the information that we have found in the optimization process phase. So we discuss the whole process in this document.

 Clean Project

Please remove all extra data like slices,fbx, sounds, unused scripts, etc from your project. It increases the size of the project as well as increases the build size too. We have purchased plugins like Find Reference 2 and used them to clean your project.

 Compress Textures

To do this without modifying the actual source content,  select the  Texture in the  Project view,  and in the  Inspector window reduce the  Max  Size.  To see how this looks in-game,  zoom in on a  GameObject that uses the  Texture,  then adjust the  Max  Size until it starts looking worse in the  Scene view. Set your image size square and set the unity suggested pixels. (32,  64,  128,  256,  512,  1024,  2048,  4096,  8192). If your image size is  567×890  pixels then set this image to a  1024×1024  pixels background transparent blank image and save it as a png file.

Then in the unity inspector set this image as a  sprite and slice it by the sprite editor.  This process will make your image size by reducing a minimum of 20%.

 An example image and changes are given below.

 Before:  resolution 567×890 pixel, size 1.9MB  After: resolution 1024×1024 pixel, size 1.3MB  Result:  size 0.6MB reduced, almost 32%.

Most texture compression format needs image in the power of  2  resolution  (128,  256,  512,  1024,  2048).  Resolutions  4096  and  8192  may not work on some android devices.

For  example  texture  with  no  alpha  in  1024×1024  resolution  using  RGB  ETC2  compressions  takes  about  0,5MB  in  memory.  Image  1280×800  with  compression  format RGB 16bit takes 2MB.


Compress Meshes And Animation Clips

Compress Meshes and imported Animation Clips so that they take up less space  in your game file. To enable Mesh compression, select  the Mesh, then in the  Inspector window set the Mesh Compression to Low, Medium or High.  Make duplicate animation from fbx and unparent the animation from the fbx and  remove all the fbx from project that taking too much size in the build report.Below  is the some key points

  • Use optimize mesh data setting in unity project setting.This process use some algorithms to remove extra vertex and meta in your fbx.
  • Tris count should be maximum 30k.
  • Avoid detailed textures.
  • Use solid colors for far objects
  • Combine props/meshes/crowd planes (Combining meshes reduces fbx size)
  • Build single character fbx and add multiple variations.
  • Single fbx for multiple e nvironments

 Compress Sounds

We have different categories in sounds i.e .wav , .mp3, etc . Please use mp3 and  compress them and then import them into your project and apply the following.

music and videos take up most of the size. Sound files should ideally be .mp3  format (otherwise .wav for very short clips).

 Unity Players Setting

 Api Compatibility Level

Unity supports two .NET API compatibility levels.: .NET 4.x and .NET Standard  2.0. The .NET Standard 2.0 restricts you to a smaller subset of the .NET API,  which can help keep size down.I optimized Included DLLs from 13.4 MB to 9.5  MB by changing API Compatibility Level from .NET 2.0 to .NET 4.x.

 Target Architecture

ARM and x86 are both processor architectures. x86 belongs to Intel while ARM is  used by different companies (like Qualcomm). The vast majority of Android  devices use ARM processors, with x86 being the runner up. When you build for  ARM only you lose some of your target audience which might use Intel android

devices.  (Unity stats says that Top on 2016-03: 98.7%  Intel: 1.3%)

 Strip Engine Code

Unity enables Strip Engine Code by default in the Player Settings and enables native code stripping. Enable Strip Engine Code to remove unused modules and classes in the native Unity engine code. Disable Strip Engine Code to preserve all of the modules and classes in the native Unity engine code.

 Managed Scripting Level And Scripting Background(IL2CPP vs  Mono)

During the build process, Unity removes unused or unreachable code through a  process called managed code stripping, which can significantly decrease your application’s final size. Managed code stripping removes code from managed assemblies, including assemblies built from the C# scripts in your project,  assemblies that are part of packages and plugins, and assemblies in the .NET  Framework. Unity uses a tool called the Unity linker to perform a static analysis of the code in your project’s assemblies. The static analysis identifies any classes,  portions of classes, functions, or portions of functions that can’t be reached during execution. This analysis only includes code that exists at build time  because runtime generated code doesn’t exist when Unity performs the static  analysis.

You can configure the level of code stripping Unity performs for your project using  the Managed Stripping Level setting. To prevent Unity removing specific parts of  your code, use annotations to indicate which parts of your code base the Unity  linker should preserve. For more information, see  Unity  linker .

You can change scripting backend in ProjectSettings -> Player -> Configuration  to IL2CPP and in Optimiztion section set Managed Stripping Level to High.  Tested it in Unity 2020.1.17f1 in Mobile template. Size reduced from 17Mb to  6Mb with empty scene only.

 Use Proguard

Every time we build a new project, we see the following piece of code in the  app-level build.gradle file

buildTypes {  release {  minifyEnabled false proguardFiles

getDefaultProguardFile(‘proguard-android-optimize.txt’),  ‘’



ProGuard makes the following impact on our project,

  • It reduces the size of the application.
  • It removes the unused classes and methods that contribute to the 64K method counts limit of an Android application.
  • It makes the application difficult to reverse engineer by obfuscating the

 Reuse Code

Object-Oriented Programming has solved a lot of problems in the programming  world. Try reusing the code as much as possible instead of repetitive code.

Repetitive code also leads to increased file size thereby affecting the Apk size.

 Using Lint

Lint actually helps in generating warnings or unused code inside the application.  So this can actually help in removing the same thereby helping in reducing the

size of the application.

 Reduce Size of Build-in Extras

Unity build in extras  size can be reduced by applying following steps:

  • Deleting the unity default asset like UI Masks,Sprites, Background,Transparent Images etc.
  • Remove Resource folders of different plugins
  • Delete extra Standard Assets at the time of project creation that are not used anywhere in the project.
  • Size reduced from 1.3Mb to 700kb.


Reduce resources wherever possible. Using  shrinkResources  attribute in the  Gradle will remove all the resources which are not being used anywhere in the  project. Enable this in your app-level build.gradle file by adding below line:

buildTypes {

release {   ……..

shrinkResources  true  ……..



 What is R8 Shrinking?

R8 shrinking is a process in which we reduce the amount of code of our  application and by doing so, the APK size automatically gets reduced. So,  reduced APK sized applications are more likely to be kept in people’s phone. All  we need to do is reduce the class files(i.e. the code) written in our Android  application.

To reduce the APK size, we have three different techniques:

  1. Shrinking or Tree Shaking: Shrinking is the process of removal of unreachable code from our Android project. It performs some static       analysis to get rid of unreachable code and removes the uninstantiated
  2. Optimization: This is used to optimize the code for size. It involves dead code removal, unused argument removal, selective inlining, class merging,
  3. Identifier Renaming: In this process, we obfuscate the class name and  other variable names. For example, if the name of the class is

“MyAwesomeClass”, then it will be obfuscated to “a” or something else but  smaller in size.

To enable R8 shrinking in your application, set the minifyEnabled to  true in your  app’s main  build.gradle  file.

android {

buildTypes {

release {

minifyEnabled  false    




 Key Points While Building Environments

–  Tris count should be maximum of 30k

-Avoid detailed textures

-Use solid colors for far objects

-Combine props/meshes/crowd planes (Combining meshes reduces fbx size)  -PNG textures take more size, Manage transparent atlases in such a way so that  they can be compressed to max without compromising quality.

-Use .png for transparent textures only. Always use .jpg for textures.

-Multiple textures are better than making one atlas for multiple environments.  -Manage textures in such a way that near objects have different atlas and far  objects have different. -This way we can compress far object’s atlas to maximum.  -Single fbx for multiple environments. This way we can reduce size for similar  items. For example ring being used in arena and indoor environment.  -Use colors more in an environment, so that multiple variations can be made  simply by changing color through shader.

-Use Lightmap’s maximum space with better resolution for near objects as  compared to far objects, keeping max compression in mind.

 Shader And Techniques

  • Shaders are short programs that render graphics data.
  • Individual Shader doesn’t output an entire  image,  nor do they  always  do  Rather, there are different types of Shaders that do different  things.
  • Pixel Shader, Fragment Shaders, Vertex Shaders,Compute Shader, Surface Shader etc are the different types of shaders     Unity add by default 42 shader in empty project.

Remove Uber.shader and Lit.shader(reduce size upto 7.8 MB)

Play Asset Delivery

PAD is a technique that allows users to have early access to the game  without even downloading the whole bunch of assets. And users can  download the assets as required later in the game.


  1. Smaller size Build
  2. Quick access to game
  3. Improves downloads up 1000% (according to google)
  4. Easy to use.
  5. Smart assets bundle management.
  6. Can be modified according to the developer’s need.
  7. Super efficient.
  8. Smaller size updates.
  9. During the update whole apk will not be downloaded only the updated asset bundles will be downloaded from the server.
  10. No extra hosting charges (google server will host the asset bundles on the google play server)
  11. Proper feedback of downloading.
  12. Responsive code to check the download status.
  13. Proper notification of downloading status


  1.  works on the play store (android only) 2.      Internet availability is a must.

Intro To Asset bundles:

An AssetBundle is an archive file that contains platform-specific  non-code Assets (such as Models, Textures, Prefabs, Audio clips, and  even entire Scenes) that Unity can load at run time. AssetBundles can  express dependencies

between each other; for example, a Material in one AssetBundle can

reference a Texture in another AssetBundle. For efficient delivery over  networks, you can compress AssetBundles with a choice of built-in  algorithms depending on use case requirements (LZMA and LZ4).  AssetBundles can be useful for downloadable content (DLC), reducing  initial install size, loading assets optimized for the end user’s platform, and  reducing runtime memory pressure.

How to create asset bundles?

It is easy to create an asset bundle you can use  this  script  to create  as many asset bundles as needed.

  1.  Place the above-mentioned script in the Editor      folder  in your project.
  2.  Select a prefab or desired asset you want to archive as an asset  bundle. You will see a small tab in the inspector window in the bottom  named Asset bundleAsset Bundle -> New -> level1(asset bundle name)P.S asset bundle names should be all small
     Before Naming the Asset bundle  Once step 2 is done it will look like  this.


  3.  Once done now you can go to the Asset window in the top of you screen and  select build AssetBundles.


It will create the asset bundles on the path that is defined in the script  mentioned in the setp2

Once all your asset bundles are ready you can now move to Play asset  delivery integration in your system.

Asset bundles are platform-dependent the mentioned script creates asset  bundles for android which will work fine in the editor as well but some of  the shaders will not be supported in the editor and they will be pink so don’t  worry about it. They will work fine on the mobile devices.

Integration of PAD:

For the integration of PAD  simply follow the following steps to  integrate with the following step. I will be using an example from my game  to download all my level prefabs into asset bundles.  And using them with  PAD.

P.S: You can use Asset delivery as you suit fit for your project.

Before continuing it is must know there are three modes for PAD.

  1. Install time.
  2. On-demand.
  3. Fast flow.

All three of them do almost similar things with small differences.  Install-time  will download all asset bundles tagged as install-time at the time of installation.  On-demand  tagged assets will be downloaded as per  user demand.  Fast-flow  works the same as on-demand but can also be run in the background. It is best  to decide at the earliest point which type of assets you should tag and how  should you manage them in your project. We will be working with on-demand in  the following example.

Steps of integration:

  1. Download the Play asset delivery  unity package from  the mentioned  link and import it into your project. (P.S) if this package is part of your  project you will not be able to create a build for IOS. so it is  recommended to remove the package before making IOS build).
  2. Package content create the following items.

You can simply un-check the external dependencies as they are  already part of the project and we use them through the package  manager.

P.S: this package is dependent on the following packages that are  already part of your project app bundle, common, and core make  sure to match the version with the following as is

1.8.0 in this particular example you should use the same for rest of  three packages.

Once you have created successfully created the asset bundles now  can you move towards the packing and unpacking mechanism of  your asset bundles in your game.

 1- Packing

  • Go to Google-> Android App Bundle -> Asset delivery system.
    • Check Separate base Apk and add folder that contains Asset bundles (as per script Path will be “Assets/AssetBundles”)
  • Tag your asset bundles as needed.

You have successfully packed your asset bundles for your build.

2- Unpacking

We have now successfully completed the first part of the PAD second and the last part of the PAD is a bit tricky. So get your sources tight for this part  Before moving on to unpacking you must know the life cycle of the PAD downloading and unpacking.

  • You need only one script that is enough for managing your downloading, unpacking and updating your asset bundles

In the editor you can not write use PAD as the editor can not be linked to the  google play server you need to find and load asset bundles from your folder. with  the following method.


M1 :

public void RetriveBundlesInEditor(string BundleName)


var myLoadedAssetBundle

= AssetBundle.LoadFromFile(Path.Combine(“Assets/AssetBundles”,

BundleName));  if (myLoadedAssetBundle == null)


if (ShowLogs)

Debug.LogError(“Failed to load AssetBundle!”);  return;




Mobile :

Use the following code to download assets for mobile devices.


private IEnumerator LoadAssetPackCoroutine(string assetPackName) {

PlayAssetPackRequest request =


while (!request.IsDone) {  if(request.Status == AssetDeliveryStatus.WaitingForWifi) {  var userConfirmationOperation =


// Wait for confirmation dialog action.  yield return userConfirmationOperation;

if((userConfirmationOperation.Error !=  AssetDeliveryErrorCode.NoError) ||

(userConfirmationOperation.GetResult() !=

ConfirmationDialogResult.Accepted)) {

// The user did not accept the confirmation – handle as needed.


// Wait for Wi-Fi connection OR confirmation dialog acceptance  before moving on.

yield return new WaitUntil(() => request.Status !=  AssetDeliveryStatus.WaitingForWifi);


// Use request.DownloadProgress to track download progress.  // Use request.Status to track the status of request.

yield return null;


if (request.Error != AssetDeliveryErrorCode.NoError) {

// There was an error retrieving the pack. For error codes  NetworkError

// and InsufficientStorage, you may prompt the user to check their  // connection settings or check their storage space, respectively, then  // try again.

yield return null;


// Request was successful. Load the asset pack into memory.

AssetBundleCreateRequest assetBundleCreateRequest =  request.LoadAssetBundleAsync(path/to/exampleBundle);  yield return assetBundleCreateRequest;

AssetBundle assetBundle = assetBundleCreateRequest.assetBundle;

For more information check this  link.

  • Once you have the Asset bundle you can unpack the asset bundles  and use them in your project as intended( write your own logic for  this )

To unpack the asset bundle uses the following code :


public GameObject UnpackAndSaveBundle(AssetBundle bundle)


GameObject[] Level = bundle.LoadAllAssets<GameObject>();  bundle.Unload(false);

GameObject Prefab = Level[0]  return Prefab;


That will be all.

For further details, look at the detailed scripts I am placing at this  link.


For More details studies do look into these links below:

 Asset Bundles

 Asset Bundle Tools

 PAD Integration

Build And Testing WIth PAD.

Once you are done with your project and all integration it is time to create the  build for your project and test.

With PAD, we can not make the simple build we create previously.

 Local Testing

For local testing attach the device to your system and go to the following tab.

Google-> Build and Run. and you are all set to test your build locally.

 Testing with internal app sharing

As you get closer to having a release candidate, test your game using as realistic  a configuration as possible to make sure that your game will perform well for  your users in production. To validate this, you can use  internal app sharing  to get  a shareable link that you can use to download the game from Play while getting  the exact same behavior as your users will once the game is published to the  Play Store.

To test Asset Delivery using internal app sharing, do the following:

  1. Build your app bundle.
  2. Follow the Play Console instructions on how to share your app internally .
  3. On the test device, click the internal app-sharing link for the version of your app you just uploaded.
  4. Install the app from the Google Play Store page you see after clicking the link You can also test your game through beta testing through GPFor more details check this  link.


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